Area 14 News graphic



Hello to all,

At the upcoming July assembly, we will begin preparing for the elections in October.  There will be a workshop in which many of the current officers and service coordinators will be passing on their experience, strength and hope.  This will help better inform anyone considering standing for an office or submitting a resume for service coordinator.  Look for the Area Service Positions workshop on the agenda.  The DCMs workshop topic will be “How to Hold a Service Fair” as well as taking the time to exchange ideas with each other.   Additionally, District 33 will hold their 2nd workshop in Spanish. 

Our delegate, Fred H., will be giving a report on the general Service Conference that took place in April.  Saturday night will be a speakers’ meeting and Sunday morning will be our usual business meeting.  There is no old business being carried over from last assembly but I look forward, as always, to any new business. 

Last year at this time, I challenged all of us to develop ideas to increase the attendance at Assemblies by 50 –75 AAs by the end of 2008. At that time we were averaging about 200 attendees.  I now see that 50-75 was too conservative a number.  The April Assembly saw a total attendance of 278!!  Let’s strive to have 300 attend the voting Assembly in October!!

I look forward to seeing you all in July.

Love and service,
Tina C-L.
Area 14 Chair


I have just returned from attending the 58th General Service Conference in New York City. My experience at the conference was filled with joy and gratitude from the opening moment to the last hug and farewell. I may not see many of the other delegates again, but no one can ever remove the memories and blessing that I personally experienced.

The 134 voting members of the conference were busy throughout the entire week including a 15-hour session on the final conference day. After completing our agenda on Friday evening and closing the conference with the Serenity Prayer in English, Spanish & French all of the delegates traveled to Bill & Lois’s home at Stepping Stones just North of New York City on Saturday morning. After returning to our hotel on Saturday afternoon each delegate went their separate ways to our home areas. Many of us shed tears as we engaged in a final hug.

Hopefully by this time you have also received your copy of the “Early Bird” Edition of Box 459 containing a summary of the conference along with a listing of the Advisory Actions that were recommended by the standing committees and approved by the full conference body.

I am currently scheduled to visit and give my delegate report at the following districts:
June   7, 2008 – District # 1, 3, 4,6,25 & 30
June 21, 2008 - District # 13
June 28, 2008 - District # 12
Once again, I am looking forward to visiting your district and continuing to serve as your delegate. Thank you for the opportunity to serve. 

Yours in Service,
Fred H.
Area 14 Delegate

July Assembly Workshop Highlights

Please refer to the agenda for the time of each workshop

CPC will talk about how to be a one-person committee and then how to inspire others to become interested in service.
FINANCE will begin working on the 2009 budget.

Next Assembly is July 11, 12, 13.
Make your reservations three weeks prior to get our conference rate.

District 33
Spanish Language District

The North Florida Area Spanish Linguistic District (33) has their own office and web site. For more information contact:

Distrito 33 del Area Norte de la Florida de Alcólicos Anónimos
1308 Rose Blvd. #D
Orlando, FL 32839
Telefono 407-240-1181

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