
Structure and Guidelines of North Florida Area Conference

Revised: September, 2024

North Florida Area Conference
Structure & Guidelines
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Appendix A – How the Conference Operates
Appendix B – Summary of Conference Procedures
Appendix C – North Florida Area Map
Appendix D – Computer Use Policy
Appendix E – Computer Sign Out Sheet
Appendix F – Revisions Table


These guidelines are not intended to replace the current A.A. Service Manual. Each Area is autonomous and these guidelines are to assist in clarifying matters which pertain specifically to the North Florida Area Conference, Inc. (NFAC). References to the A.A. Service Manual are included to make these guidelines a concise service reference for its members.


In these guidelines, the following definitions apply:

  • The North Florida Area hereafter known as the North Florida Area Conference, Inc. (NFAC) is the geographic region designated as Area 14 by the General Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services.
  • The NFAC Committee is made up of District Committee Members (DCMs), Committee Chairs, Administrative Committee Chairs, and Area Officers.
  • The NFAC Assembly is a meeting, with proper notice, of the Area Committee and the General Service Representatives (GSRs) of registered A.A. groups within the Area that desire to participate.
  • The NFAC is the mainspring of the conference structure-the democratic voice of the membership expressing itself, according to the A.A. Service Manual.
  • North Florida Area Conference, Inc. is the legal entity incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida through which the Assembly conducts business with the public.
  • All references to the Service Manual will be to the most current revision. If the referenced language of the Service Manual changes, Structures and Guidelines will be modified to the correct language. References are to specific page and the format is: (pg. ##).


Any proposed amendment to these guidelines:

  • Shall be submitted in writing to the Chairperson
    • with a copy to the Delegate, Secretary, Parliamentarian and Translator.
  • The proposed amendment may be sent to the appropriate Administrative Committee at the discretion of the Chairperson.
  • The Chairperson shall include the proposed amendment on the assembly agenda.
  • A two-thirds (2/3) vote in favor by the GSRs, DCMs, Officers and Committee Chairs present and voting shall constitute adoption of the amendment.


  • Saturday
    • Workshops
      • Committee Chairs
      • DCM and Officers meeting
      • GSR workshop.
    • Workshop minutes will be taken and given to the Secretary.
    • Open speaker meeting on Saturday night
      • Except the fourth quarter of even years when the business Assembly takes place.
  • Sunday
    • Assembly
    • Uses Robert’s Rules of Order as modified by the current revision of the General Service Conference
    • Follows Summary of Conference Procedures (Appendix A) as adopted by the body.
    • All business of the Assembly will be conducted only with members of the NFAC or individuals approved by the Chairperson.
    • In order to vote at the Sunday Business Meeting, you must be in your seat at your District’s assigned table by 9:00 am for Roll Call
    • Business not on the agenda can be brought before the Assembly from the floor.
    •  Any eligible voter who is not in their seat at their District table at 9 am for roll call or in the virtual waiting room by 8:45am for roll call, will have their voting privileges suspended for that Assembly.
    • The Voting Assembly takes place in the fourth quarter of even years


  • The Assembly shall convene on a quarterly basis in a fixed location.
  • The dates shall be determined by the Site and Agenda Administrative Committee and hotel per contract.
    • Non election October Assemblies include an inventory conducted by the South Florida Area 15 Delegate or if not available as designated by Chairperson.
    • Once every two years, the Southeastern Regional Trustee will be invited to the Assembly.
    • Other meetings, sessions or committee meetings may be scheduled from time to time as decided by the Chairperson.
  • Assemblies shall be scheduled for a minimum of a year and preferably for a two-year period beyond the current year.
  • Consideration shall be given to any state or regional A.A. functions to avoid conflict when setting the date for assemblies.
  • The Chairperson sets the agenda.
  • The Registrar shall mail a notice of each Assembly to the GSRs, and the NFAC Committee, at least 30 days in advance of the Assembly.
  • The mailing shall also include the minutes of the previous Assembly meeting and the proposed agenda.
  • All information regarding the Assembly should be forwarded to the Secretary sufficiently in advance of the mailing deadline to ensure its inclusion in the mailing.
  • The agenda mailed to the members of the Assembly shall include specific items of business scheduled to be submitted for discussion and voting.
  • Other items of business brought before the Area shall be added to the agenda if appropriate.
  • The order of business for the business session of each Assembly is:
    • Opening
    • Roll Call
    • Anonymity Statement
    • Short Form of the Concepts
    • Secretary’s Report
    • Treasurer's Report
    • Delegate's Report
    • Alternate Delegate's Report
    • Chairperson’s Report
    • Alt Chairperson’s Report
    • Registrar’s Report
    • Special Reports
    • Committee Chairs’ Reports
      • Accessibilities
      • Archives
      • Archivist
      • Cooperation with the Professional Community
      • Corrections
      • Grapevine/La Viña
      • Intergroup
      • Literature
      • Public Information
      • Treatment
    • Administrative Committee Reports
      • Finance
      • Growth
      • Site and Agenda
      • Website
    • Old Business
    • New Business
    • Closing

It is suggested that elections be held every two (2) years and that the GSRs, DCMs, and Alternates serve their terms concurrent with the NFAC Panel.

  • General Service Representative (GSR) (pg. 7)
    • Link between their groups and A.A. as a whole
    • Represents the voice of their group conscience
    • Attends their District meeting
      • Reports their group conscience to the DCM
    • Attends the Assembly
      • Voting their group conscience in manners affecting the Area. (pg. 7)
    • Brings information and problems which affect A.A. unity, health and growth, as well as suggested remedies back to the group
    • Two (2) years of sobriety is suggested.
  • District Committee Member (DCM) (pg. 13):
    • Links the GSR and the Delegate
    • Served in past Group and District activities
    • Receives reports from groups through the GSRs
    • Makes personal contact with the Groups in the District.
    • Holds regular District meeting
    • Attends Assemblies
      • Obtains up-to-date Group information
      • Keeps GSRs informed about Conference activities.
    • Serves on an Administrative Committee as assigned.
    • Four (4) years of sobriety is suggested
  • Alternate District Committee Member (pg. 16):
    • The Alternate DCM should have the same qualifications as the DCM as they may be required to assume all or part of the term of office due to unforeseen circumstances
      • Assists and participates in District responsibilities
  • Local Committee Member (LCM) (Appendix F):
    • If the number of groups in a district increase, the responsibilities of the DCM can be met by adding additional committee members called LCMs.
      • Does not carry a vote at the Assembly.

A willingness to learn, and an enthusiasm to carry the message are more important qualifications than knowledge of a particular area of service. Those interested in a position should present their name to the Chairperson after the election assembly. The Committee Chairs are appointed by the incoming Chairperson after the election. It is suggested that Committee Chairs have at least two (2) years of sobriety.

  • The duties of the Committee Chairs are
    • Select an Alternate Committee Chair to serve concurrently with them.
    • Create, conduct and facilitate a workshop at each Assembly.
      • Will chair first workshop at the first meeting of the following year
  • Temporary Committee Chairs if required may be appointed by The Chairperson to assist the Panel in the performance of their duties.
    • The position automatically ceases to exist upon completion of their prescribed service assignment.
  • Additional Commitee Chair’s position may be authorized by following the procedure for amending these guidelines.
    • Requests for authorization of the position will be referred to the Growth, Site and Agenda, Finance, and the Website Committees.
    • If the Committees agree, the matter will be placed on the agenda for the next Assembly.

The Assembly includes the following Committee Chair positions:

  • Accessibilities
    • Coordinates the work of individual A.A. members and groups in carrying the message to those who have problems which limit their attendance at regular A.A. meetings.
      • Enlightens A.A. members and groups to their special needs.
  • Archives
    • Conducts workshops and displays on A.A. and NFAC history
  • Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC)
    • Recommends activities that will help carry the message to the still-suffering alcoholic through third party professionals such as probation officers, clergy, doctors, etc.
  • Corrections
    • Encourages A.A. members to assume responsibility for carrying the message to those in jail or prison.
  • Grapevine/La Viña
    • Coordinating the operation of the Grapevine/La Viña bookstore and bookstore raffle during Area 14 Conferences/Assemblies
    • Working with Districts and other Committee Chairs to educate the membership about our Meeting in Print.
    • Offering a Grapevine/La Viña information table.
  • Intergroup
    • Serves as a liaison between Intergroups and the members of the NFAC, facilitating "sharing common problems and solutions” (pg. 24).
  • Literature
    • Informs Groups, Districts or Area members through displays or other suitable methods, of all available Conference Approved Literature, audio visual material or other special items.
  • Public Information (PI)
    • Creates greater understanding of—and preventing misunderstanding of –the A.A. program through the public media.
    • Educates A.A. members and groups about Alcoholics Anonymous.
    • Is in charge of the video library.
  • Treatment
    • Coordinates the work of individual A.A. members and groups in carrying the message to clients of treatment centers and other recovery institutions.

The Assembly includes Other Service Positions:

  • Archivist
    • Voted on in non-electoral years for a two (2) year term not to exceed six (6) years.
    • Voted on by voting members of the Assembly.
    • Attends Assemblies.
    • Works closely with the Archives Committee Chair
    • Duties for this office include:
      • Preserving the documents, artifact items and maintaining the physical integrity of the collection.
      • Collects, organizes, and preserves material of historic interest to the NFAC.
      • Works closely with the Archives Service Chairperson to ensure the integrity of the Area Archives inventory.
      • Maintains and updates the Archives inventory and assists in accumulation of historical material and information pertaining to the Area.
    • Qualifications for this office:
      • Should be knowledgeable of the NFAC history.
      • Should have experience with archival and conservation procedures as well as handling of historical records.
      • Should be thoroughly familiar with our primary purpose and our A.A. Traditions to ensure privacy and protect anonymity of the members whose names are included in the collected documents.
      • Should be an A.A. member.
  • Parliamentarian
    • This appointed office will be for a two (2) year term, to coincide with the current rotation.
    • This position is appointed by the incoming Chairperson.
    • Does not have a vote at the Assembly.
    • Receives lodging for one night at the hotel/motel where the Assembly takes place.
    • Receives mileage reimbursement for the Assembly only.
    • Duties for this office are, but not limited to:
      • Be present at the Saturday/DCM Officers meeting at the Assembly.
      • Be present at all Sunday business meetings of the Assembly.
      • Assist the chairperson in keeping the Assemblies operating within Robert's Rules of Order as amended by the General Service Conference and the Structures and Guidelines.
    • Qualifications for this office include:
      • Should have a good working knowledge of Robert's Rules of Order as amended by the General Service Conference.
      • Has the time and desire to be present at the Assemblies.
      • Has, or is willing to gain, a good working knowledge of the Area Structures and Guidelines.
  • NFAC Convention Oversight Committee
    • Provides oversight of the Florida State Convention when it occurs geographically within the North Florida Area. The Convention scope and procedures are set forth in the Advisory Actions under the Structures and Guidelines April 2006 and revised January 2019.
  • Technology
    • Composition:
      • There are not more than seven voting members of this committee and non-voting volunteers as needed. These should consist of the Chair, and five (5) additional members. It is suggested that all members of the Committee have demonstrated knowledge and experience in service and technology areas that are of benefit to the tasks at hand or demonstrate a willingness to learn.
      • The Chair will be appointed by the Area Chairperson, as a voting member of Area 14. The remaining members will be selected by the Committee Chairperson and approved by the Area 14 Chairperson. The Area 14 Chairperson will be an ex-officio member of the Committee.
    • Scope:
      • The Committee will be a permanent, non-administrative committee. The Committee will act to ensure continuity with technology used by Area 14 and will consult with other Area Committee members in planning, selecting, obtaining, maintenance and use of technology.
    • Hardware and Software:
      • Maintains records of technology equipment and software, including those assigned to Area Panel members, and oversees transfer of equipment at beginning of each panel. Provide an inventory of all equipment and software licenses to the Area 14 Finance Chair at the beginning of each panel.
      • Receives all requests for use of technology equipment for use at assembly and other Area 14 events. Provides AV and Virtual support as requested, and oversees AV support, providing equipment set-up and securing outside resources as deemed fiscally responsible.
    • Virtual Needs:
      • The Area Chairperson will maintain “ownership” status of any Area 14 virtual accounts with Zoom or other providers. The Committee Chair, or their designee, will administer the accounts, assigning user levels, scheduling meetings, etc. A roster of members available to provide virtual hosting and other support for virtual/hybrid events and other necessary administrative functions will be maintained.
      • Evaluates Area 14 immediate and future needs for equipment, software licenses, for production or contractor outside help, including securing and evaluating bids in order to make fiscally responsible purchases.
      • Considers future technology, equipment and software needs including integration of other Area functions within the committee, such as website and/or communications.
    • Short and Long-Term Planning:
      • The Committee will be responsible for evaluating Area 14 immediate and future needs for equipment, software licenses, for production or contractor outside help. Including, securing, and evaluating bids in order to make fiscally responsible purchases.


  • These are common qualities that each person seeking office should possess:
    • Ability to work well with others.
    • Time and willingness to do the job effectively:
    • Suggest that you speak with the officer, holding the office you seek, to get a good understanding of what the office entails and the time the job requires.
      • Many of the Officer’s jobs require additional technological skills.
      • It is suggested that those considering standing for office have the ability to operate a computer.
      • Computer skills are necessary for:
        • Performing many job tasks
        • Communicating with other panel members.
        • Communicating with the fellowship in general.
    • Any Officer who is given Area equipment is responsible for that equipment
      • Must give an inventory to the Area Finance Chair.
    • Each Officer has the responsibility of submitting:
      • Reports timely to the Secretary after each Assembly.
      • Budgets to the Treasurer on or before the April Assembly.
  • DELEGATE (pg. 32-38)
    • Duties:
      • NFAC Representative to the annual General Service Conference.
      • Works with the Chairperson in preparing the agenda for Assemblies.
      • Delivers Conference reports to District meetings when requested
      • Participates in Area or District activities if called upon.
      • Attends:
        • Florida State Convention
        • Southeastern Delegates "Get Together" in Atlanta
        • Southern States Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly.
        • Southeastern Regional Forum
        • International Convention
      • Provides or participates in:
        • Leadership
        • Training>
          • Especially for new GSRs and DCMs.
        • Workshops whenever possible.
        • Service talks
      • Delegate Elect attends the Southeast Regional Forum
      • If the Delegate is unable to attend the General Service Conference the elected Officers, in the following order will assume this duty as long as otherwise qualified including having served as DCM:
        • Alternate Delegate
        • Chairperson
        • Alternate Chairperson
        • Treasurer
        • Registrar
        • Secretary
    • Qualifications:
      • Time and desire to serve.
      • Must be a past DCM.
      • Offer and accept suggestions as well as criticisms.
      • Have knowledge of A.A. affairs.
      • Not final authority on all A.A. matters, be aware of where to locate the correct information.
      • Know 12 Traditions and how they apply to local needs.
      • Be able to organize and lead.

    The Alternate Delegate should have the same qualifications as the Delegate as they may be required to assume all or part of the Delegate's term of office due to unforeseen circumstances.

    • Duties:
      • Attends Assembly meetings, becomes familiar with assembly topics.
      • Attends the February mini-conference Southeastern Delegate "Get Together" in Atlanta.
      • Should be prepared to replace the Delegate at any time.
      • Chairperson of the Growth Committee.
      • Chairperson of the Florida State Convention Oversight Committee.
  • CHAIRPERSON (pg. 26)
    • Duties:
      • Acts as administrative officer of the Assembly.
        • Responsible for overseeing all Area operations.
      • Conducts the Assembly business session in an orderly manner.
      • Prepares the agenda for Assemblies with assistance of the Officers.
        • Provides agenda to Secretary at least 30 days prior to the assembly.
      • Appoints the Committee Chairs, Parliamentarian, Finance Chairperson, and Website Chairperson.
      • Chairperson Elect attends the Southeast Regional Forum.
    • Qualifications:
      • Should have the time and desire to serve.

    The Alternate Chairperson should have the same qualifications as the Chairperson as they may be required to assume all or part of the Chairperson's term of office due to unforeseen circumstances.

    • Duties:
      • Assume the Chairperson's duties in the Chairperson's absence.
      • Assist and support the Chairperson in carrying out duties as needed.
      • Serve as Chairperson of the Site and Agenda Committee.
      • Oversees the Scholarship Fund.
        • Serve as contact person for DCM’s that have an eligible voting member requesting a room for Saturday night.
        • helps in booking the room for eligible voting members.
        • keeps track of the balance in the Scholarship Fund ($3,000 per year).
  • TREASURER (pg. 28)
    • Duties:
      • Receives and records contributions from A.A. groups and other sources.
        • An Excel database from the Registrar is used to help credit Group Contributions.
      • Serves on the Finance Committee.
        • Gives access to the Finance Chair to the online checking account "view only".
      • Managing the Area’s monies
        • Maintains a record of all monies received and dispersed.
        • Requires the ability to do monthly bank reconciliation, preferably making weekly deposits.
        • Settles all bills with the hotel where each assembly is located.
        • Issues checks for expenses.
      • Maintains a bank account.
        • be aware of the bank's guideline.
      • Maintains a savings account for the prudent reserve.
        • Researches the best interest rates for the prudent reserve.
      • Must have a signature card signed by the Delegate, Chairperson, and Treasurer
        • All checks shall require the signature of two of the above.
        • All online payments, written or electronic, require review of the invoice and approval by two of the signors prior to disbursement.
      • Provides a financial report at each Assembly.
      • Provides an annual written in-depth report of all transactions.
      • Prepares a one-year proposed budget to be presented to the body for approval.
      • Monitors expenditures by Committees to help ensure spending is within budget limits.
      • At the first Assembly of each year, presents to the Finance Committee a report of “large differences” between actual costs for the prior year and the approved budget for that year, for review and consideration by the Committee.
      • Files Sales Tax and Corporate Annual Tax reports online.
      • Speaks with Group Treasurers that need advice or help and attend District Workshops if needed.
    • Qualifications:
      • Should have the time and ability to keep accurate records.
      • Computer skills
      • Ability to be firm and diplomatic.
      • Working knowledge of QuickBooks and Excel or be willing to learn.
      • Knowledge of double entry bookkeeping.
  • REGISTRAR (pg. 27)
    • Duties
      • Maintains the database
      • GSRs, DCMs, Committee Chairs, Officers, Past Delegates and Groups
        • mailing labels and roster
        • for the use by the NFAC Committee
        • correspondence and reports
      • voting members in the North Florida Area Conference, Inc.
    • Assists the GSO Records department to keep their records up to date.
    • Conducts the roll call at the Assembly Business meetings.
    • Gives the official count to the Chairperson.
    • Submits the Registrar’s and Attendance Reports to the Area Secretary.
    • Qualifications:
      • Should have the time and ability to keep accurate records.
      • Computer skills
      • Cognizant of the confidentiality of all information.
        • to be used only for NFAC business.
        • Any other distribution must be approved by the Assembly.
      • Maintain accurate records.
  • SECRETARY (pg. 27)
    • Duties:
      • Responsible for keeping accurate minutes.
        • Of the Assembly
        • Quarterly officers' meetings when held.
          • Prepares these minutes to be mailed and emailed.
            • To all GSRs, DCMs, Committee Chairs, Officers, Past Delegates.
            • Any A.A. member who requests a copy.
            • The mailing will include
              • The meeting agendas for the next Assembly.
              • The Florida State Convention flyer.
              • Any other material, as directed, is submitted in time.
            • Requests the mailing address from the Registrar.
            • Delivers the minutes to the Post Office to be mailed within at least thirty (30) days prior to the next Assembly.
      • Prepares the motions after each Assembly.
        • Emails to the Webmaster in adequate time that they can be posted, on the North Florida Website, within ten (10) days following the Assembly.
      • Updates electronic documents per all motions passed:
        • Advisory Actions
        • Structures and Guidelines
    • Qualifications:
      • Should have the time and ability to keep accurate minutes.
      • Be able to organize a filing system and be prepared to find past procedures.

Administrative Committees exist to assist with the business of the NFAC. All motions from Administrative Committees are seconded and ready for discussion when brought to the floor.

  • Additional Administrative Committees may be authorized by following the procedure for amending these guidelines.
  • The Administrative Committees Chairs are appointed by the Chairperson.
    • Requests for authorization of Administrative Committees shall be referred to the Growth, Site and Agenda, Finance, and the Website Committees.
    • If the request receives favorable consideration by the Committee, the matter shall be considered a proposed amendment and be placed on the agenda for the next Assembly.
  • Finance
    • Review the budget prepared by the Treasurer before it is submitted to the Assembly.
    • Reviews the Treasurer's quarterly report and any proposals that may require funding in order to:
      • Provide financial guidance.
      • Make recommendations.
      • Encourage the development of long-range financial policies.
      • Monitor expenditures as compared to the approved budget.
      • Maintain a current inventory of Assembly property.
  • Growth
    The Committee, with an eye always on the future of the NFAC, monitors and helps manage growth to keep the NFAC as inclusive as possible.
    • Receives and reviews requests for changes in District boundaries
    • Provides suggestions for effective management of Districts as an alternative to splitting the District.
    • Each January reviews the references in Structures and Guidelines to page numbers in the Service Manual and provides the Secretary with a list of the changes for Structures and Guidelines. Such changes will be made without the need to publish and vote.
  • Site and Agenda
    This Committee is an Administrative Committee comprised of several DCMs selected by the Assembly Chairperson. The Committee votes on which Site and, Agenda business to bring to the Sunday meeting. The prior Panel Committee solicits, obtains, and reviews bids from hotels/motels willing to provide facilities for NFAC Assemblies.
    • All hotel bids need to be finalized and submitted to the Site and Agenda Committee by the first Quarter Assembly.
    • The Site and Agenda Chair negotiates the hotel bids once submitted.
    • It is suggested that the Site and Agenda Chair should present the Committee’s recommendation at the 2nd Quarter Assembly. After the site is chosen by the body, the Alt. Chair negotiates the new hotel contract with legal assistance & subject to the Area Chair’s approval. The logistics include the following:
      • Assembly
        • Responsible for overseeing the logistics of each Assembly.
        • Develops written procedures and guidelines for future Assembly hosts.
        • Arranges for a Spanish Translator and/or ASL for the Assembly weekend.
        • Coordinate and conduct the GSR afternoon Workshop on Saturday.
        • Develops the Saturday agenda with the Area Chair to meet the needs of the Panel and the Assembly attendees.
      • Host Hotel
        • Works with the hotel to set up and sign the Banquet Event Orders.
        • Acts as the liaison between the A.A. Fellowship and the host hotel.
        • Settles the Assembly bill with the Area Treasurer.
      • Hotel Bidding
        • Hotel bids need to be finalized and submitted to the Site and Agenda Committee by the first Quarter Assembly.
        • The Site and Agenda Chair negotiates the hotel bids once submitted.
        • It is suggested that the Site and Agenda Chair present the Committee’s recommendation at the 2nd Quarter Assembly held in April.
    January, February, March Receive incoming bid packets and enter them into the comparison sheet.
    Send out bid packets for the uncontracted 2-year period.
    When Bid Packets are returned:
    Collect the data from the bid packets and enter them into the comparison sheet
    APR 1
    April, May, June Use comparison sheet to select a hotel by the Committee. Recommend a hotel at the April Site and Agenda meeting.
    Present recommended hotel to the body at Sunday’s business meeting.
    2nd Quarter Assembly
    April, May, June Sign a contract with a winning hotel in the second quarter. JUL 1
    July, August, September In the second year, send out Bid packets for next uncontracted 2-year period OCT 1
    October, November, December Hand off the returned bid packets to the next Site and Agenda Committee, Alt Chair JAN 1
  • Website
    • This committee will review and select the preferred candidate for the position of Webmaster.
      • The contract for the Webmaster’s Services will be executed by both the Website Chairperson and the NFAC Chairperson.
    • Ensure Advisory Actions and Structures and Guidelines for all motions that have passed are updated on the website.
    • Website Chairperson
      • Will be appointed by the NFAC Chairperson and attend Assemblies.
      • Responsible for setting up the meeting and coordinating information within the committee.
      • Ensure that the Website ( meets the recommendations of the Committee and/or the Assembly.
    • Webmaster
      • Maintain the Website and only add or remove data when directed by the Website Committee and/or Assembly.
      • Responsible for the bulk emailing of the minutes 30 days before the next assembly.

All candidates should have a thorough understanding and appreciation of the A.A. Steps, Traditions and Concepts and be prepared to place principles above personalities at all times.

  • The NFAC shall convene at the Assembly every even year to elect the Officers.
  • Unless directed otherwise by the General Service Conference, all Officers of the NFAC Committee shall be elected at this time in the manner described in the A.A. Service Manual (pg. 19).
  • The terms of office for all Officers shall be concurrent and of two years’ duration.
  • Assembly Prior to the Election Assembly
    • All current and past DCMs and Alternate Delegates shall be queried to determine if they would be available to stand for Delegate.
    • All current and past DCMS shall be queried to determine if they would be available to stand for Alternate Delegate.
    • All current and past DCMs, GSRs and elected officers shall be queried to determine if they would be available to stand for any of the other Area offices.
    • Eligible individuals may indicate their willingness to stand for office at the Election Assembly.
    • Others may stand, if approved by a two-thirds vote of the Assembly at the time.
    • The voting body should have a choice of at least two candidates for each office whenever possible.
  • Eligibility
    The following are eligible to stand for offices:
    • For Delegate and Alternate Delegate
      • All current and past DCMs and Alternate Delegates
      • For all other elected offices.
        • All current and past DCMs,
        • All current and past GSRs,
        • All elected Officers.
      • Others may stand, if approved by a two-thirds vote of the Assembly
      • It is strongly suggested that candidates have at least five (5) years of continuous sobriety.
      • It is also strongly suggested that the spirit of rotation prevails.


  • Eligibility
    • GSRs or their alternates,
    • DCMs or their alternates,
    • Chair, Technology
    • Administrative Committee Chairs,
    • Committee Chairs,
    • Archivist,
    • Officers.
  • Privileges
    •  Starting with the April 2024 Business Meeting, Area 14 will provide a virtual meeting platform for login to the business meeting, including voting capabilities for those who are voting members of the assembly according to voting privileges as set forth in Structure and Guidelines.
    • Only GSRs from groups registered with the NFAC Registrar shall be eligible to vote.
    • A person may cast only one (1) vote.
      • If the DCM is also a GSR or Committee Chair, only one vote may be cast.
      • Allow the alternate DCM, alternate Committee Chair or alternate GSR to register and cast the other vote.
    • Absentee ballots and proxy voting are not permitted (pg. 20).
    • Any eligible voter who is not in their seat at their District table at 9 am for roll call or in the virtual waiting room by 8:45 am for roll call, will have their voting privileges suspended for the assembly.
  • Procedures to qualify persons eligible to vote:
    • A separate voter registration table will be set up and staffed by members of the host Districts.
    • The Registrar shall provide the elections coordinator with a roster of registered groups.
    • Eligible voters will sign the roster of groups and then be given a colored tag or sticker which must be displayed on the name badge of each voter.
    • Only persons wearing a name badge bearing the appropriate tag or sticker will be eligible to vote in elections held Sunday morning.


  • Non-Election Assembly: The Summary of Conference Procedures, Appendix A, will be followed.
  • Election Assembly:
    • All voting will follow the Third Legacy Procedure set out in the A.A. Service Manual (Appendix G).
    • Names of persons standing for office will be posted on the blackboard at the front of the room.
    • Voting will be by written ballot.
      • It is suggested that different colored paper be used for each ballot.
    • Ballot Handlers
      • Selected by election coordinators from non-voting A.A. members prior to the elections to equal approximately one (1) handler for every forty (40) qualified voters.
      • Will be assigned specific areas
      • .
      • Give one (1) ballot to each qualified voter, as designated by the tagged name badge who is in the room at the time of the vote.
      • Collect the ballots and give them to the election coordinator or designated counters to tally.
    • It is suggested that past Delegates present at the election assembly be asked to tally the ballots.
    • The number of ballots cast for each candidate will be displayed on the whiteboard.
    • Third Legacy Procedure will be followed:
      • The first candidate to receive two-thirds (2/3) of the total vote cast in that ballot is elected.
      • On second (2nd) and subsequent ballots, the candidate list will be shortened.
      • Up to five (5) ballots may be required to determine the winner, if any.
      • If no one receives two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the fifth ballot, the winner will be decided by lot (drawn from a hat by a non-voting member of A.A.).
    • The order of the election of Officers is at the Chairperson's discretion.
      • The following order is suggested:
        • Delegate
        • Alternate Delegate
        • Chairperson
        • Alternate Chairperson
        • Treasurer
        • Registrar
        • Secretary

The term of office of Trustees is set in the Bylaws of the General Service Board, Inc. as published in the A.A. Service Manual (pg. 29 - Appendix O).

  • NFAC may choose to make nominations for Southeastern Regional Trustee and Trustee At-Large U.S.
    • How to make this selection will be determined by the Area Committee?
    • Nominations will be held at the fourth (4th) meeting in every second (2nd) even year.
    • Candidate selection is made either at the NFAC Committee meeting or at the Assembly.
    • Third Legacy procedures should be used in voting.

The North Florida Area Conference, Inc. in accordance with the Sixth Tradition will not finance, affiliate with, or lend the A.A. name to any enterprise that is not part of the NFAC.

  • To provide necessary funds to enable the North Florida Area Conference, Inc. to fulfill its responsibilities
    • It is recommended that all Groups contribute monthly or quarterly.
    • Contributions are not dues or fees but are voluntary contributions.
  • Necessary funds must be available to the
    • Delegate and the Alternate Delegate
    • In the event the Delegate is unable to attend any of the above functions, the Alternate Delegate will receive the Delegate's funding to attend unless the Alternate Delegate is already funded to attend.
      • Provide for mailing and other expenses as approved by the Assembly.
      • Provide expenses for the Assembly meetings (pg. 35)
      • Receive expenses for attending Assemblies.
      • Receive allocated funds to defray expenses
        • General Service Conference in New York
        • Report on the General Service Conference to Districts
        • Delegate "Get Together" in Atlanta,
        • Southeastern Regional Forum,
        • International Convention
        • Florida State Convention.
        • Southern States Alcoholic Anonymous Service Assembly
    • Officers, Administrative Committee Chairs, Committee Chairs, Parliamentarian, Archivist and Chair, Technology Committee
      • Reimburse for telephone and mailing expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
      • To defray expenses for attending the Assemblies,
        • Lodging for one night reimbursed at the assembly rate at the contract hotel.
        • Alternate Chair, Grapevine Archives and Technology Chair, Committee Chairs which will receive two nights lodging.
        • Mileage reimbursement at a rate set from time to time, by the Area.
    • To pay the Webmaster $150.00 per month.


  • Prudent Reserve shall be between 9-12 months of the annual budget, including cash on hand.
  • An overage or shortfall evaluation shall be made by the Treasurer at the end of each calendar year after all bills are paid.
    • Any overage or shortfall shall be reported to the body at its next Assembly.
    • Any such overage shall be reported in the minutes from that Assembly.
      • Distribution of the overage or shortfall shall be decided at the following Assembly by the body.

The NFAC is divided into Districts as described in Appendix B

  • A Hispanic Linguistic District is area wide.
  • A Virtual District is Area wide


  • When a District has grown such that the DCM can no longer effectively serve all groups (thirty (30) or more).
  • The District may petition the Assembly (pg. 108) to elect multiple DCMs (one for each fifteen (15) groups).
    • The petitioning DCM must receive approval from the Groups involved.
    • The DCM then petitions the Growth Committee
      • If approved, the petition will be taken to the Assembly business meeting for a final vote.
    • The multiple DCMs will perform all the duties of a DCM and will have a vote at the Assembly.
  • When district(s) want to change their boundaries
    • A letter from each District’s DCM stating the change.
      • Approved by the Districts involved.
      • Sent to the Growth Committee for review.
    • Brought to the floor as a motion from the Growth Committee for approval by the Assembly.


  • Property owned by the Area, may be assigned to the appropriate elected or appointed members of the Area who require the use of the property to fulfill their assigned duties including but not limited to
    • Computers
    • Printers
    • recording equipment
    • other office equipment
    • Archives and fireproof containers
  • Property is under control and direction of the Finance Committee
  • The location of such property is determined by the needs of the person who assumes possession and responsibility for the same.
  • At the end of their term, all property should be turned over to their successor or the NFAC Chairperson.
  • It is suggested that any trusted servant receiving possession of Area property have a minimum of two (2) years sobriety.

Appendix A

How the Conference Operates

Generally speaking, The General Service Conference follows Robert's Rules of Order, and proceeds on as informal a basis as possible consistent with the rights of all concerned. It is important to remember that the purpose of rules of order is to make it easier for the Conference to conduct its business; rules exist to allow the Conference to do what it need to do to carry out the will of the Fellowship by reaching and informed group conscience. Over the years the Conference has adopted some exceptions to Robert's Rules, which help to proceed more closely in accord with the spirit of A.A. tradition.

Conference Quorum

A Conference quorum — tow-thirds of all registered members — is required to conduct Conference business.

Committee System

To the extent possible, important matters to come before the conference will be handed via the "Committee system." This assures that a large number of questions can be dealt with during Conference week. Members are encouraged to trust the process. Each Committee considers carefully the items before it and presents its recommendations to the Conference as a whole for acceptance or rejection. Recommendations of Conference committees are automatically motions that have been made and seconded. Members are are asked to refrain from spontaneoulsy amending the work of hte Committee; there are no "friendly" amendments under Robert's Rules.

Substantial Unanimity

All matters of policy (Conference Advisory Actions) require substantial unanimity, that is, a two-thirds majority. Any actions, including amendments, that affect an Advisory Action, or motions that might result in such and action, also require a two-thirds majority. Because the number of members present in the hall during the week of Conference varies from time to time, the phrase "two-thirds majority" is taken to mean two-thirds vote of the Conference members voting, as long as the total vote constitutes a Conference quorum.

Minority Opinion

After each vote on a matter of policy, the side which did not prevail will always be given an opportunity to speak to their position. If the motion passes the tow-thirds vote, the minority may speak. If the motion receives a majority vote, but fails to pass for lack of a two-thirds vote, the majority may speak.

Remember that saving "minority opinions" for after the vote, when there is no rebuttal, is a time-waster, for it can force the conference body to reconsider a question that might well have been decided the first time around if it had been thoroughly examined from all sides.

General Rules of Debate and Voting

(Agreed at the beginning of each Conference)

  • People who wish to speak line up at the microphones and address their comments to the chair.
  • Each person may speak for two (2) minutes.
  • No one may speak for a second time on a topic until all who wish to have spoken for the first time.
  • Full discussion of a recommendation should take place before each vote.
  • Everyone is entitled to express his or her opinion. However, if your perspective has already been stated by someone else, it is not necessary to go to the mike and say it again.
  • Our experience is that premature actions such as amending motions early in the discussion or hastily calling the question can divert attention from the subject at hand, confusing and/or delaying Conference business.

Motions Made During Conference

When making a motion, come to the microphone and address the chair. There are various types of motions we use to help reach an informed group conscience. The specific rules governing each are on the next page.

Tabling a Motion

Tabling a motion postpones discussion to a later time during the same Conference.

Motion to Recommit

The motion to recommit returns a motion or proposal to the respective trustees' committee for further consideration. A motion to recommit must be seconded, as debatable and can be ammended.

Calling the Question

Calling the question brings debate to a halt while Conference members decide whether to proceed directly to a vote (the question) or go on with the debate.


A motion to reconsider a vote may be made only by a member who voted with prevailing side, but it can be seconded by anyone. If the majority votes to reconsider, full debate, pro and cons, is resumed.

Floor Actions

It is possible for a Conference action to come from the floor, but any matter which falls within the scope of a Conference committee ought first go through that Conference committee, so that the topic may receive due consideration. Floor actions may be introduced at any time during the Conference except at the Sharing Sessions. Any floor action egarding a piece of committee business that has not yet been concluded will be considered out of order. When a floor action is to be heard, its maker will be given two (2) minutes to state the rationale behind the action, after which the chair shall ask if there is a motion that the Conference decline to consider the floor action.

Due to concerns about the time constraint limitations regarding the amount of business that can be managed during the 70th Virtual General Service Conference there is an update to the Floor Actions process this year as follows:

The trustees' Committee on the General Service Conference approved a motion to allow Floor Actions during a specified of time at the end of the Conference and that each will be considered for a vote to decline. If is is not declined it will automatically be forwarded to the Trustee Committee on the General Service Conference for consideration.

Declining to Consider a Floor Actions

A motion to decline to consider a floor action is made without comment.

Rev. 11/2019

Appendix B

Summary of Conference Procedures

MOTION Requires a "Second"? Is Debatable? Vote Required for Approval Minority Voice Heard?
Committee Recommedation Presented in the committee report. Automatically seconded YES Two-thirds Yes
Amending a Motion A motion on the floor is owned by the entire Conference body, no longer by the Committee which recommended it.
The committee is not asked to vote on the motion to amend; any motion to amend a main motion depends on the approval of the Conference.
YES YES Two-thirds YES
Tabling a Motion Made without comment. YES NO Simple Majority NO
Moving to Recommit Made without comment. YES YES Two-thirds NO
Calling the Question Made without comment. YES NO Two-thirds NO
Reconsidering a Vote May only be made by a member who voted with the prevailing side.
No action may be reconsidered twice.
May be seconded by either side
NO Simple Majority NO
Making a Floor Action Made without comment.
Introduced any time during the Conference except at the Sharing Sessions.
Is submitted in writing by the maker to the Conference secretary.
YES YES Two-thirds YES
Declining to Consider a Floor Action Made without comment.
May be made after the maker of ta floor action is provided time to state the rationale for it.
YES NO Two-thirds NO

Appendix C

Map of North Florida Area

1 Central Duval Downtown, Southside JAX
2 Virtual District Area-wide
3 SW Duval, N Clay Orange Park
4 Nassau, Liberty Westside Jax, Callahan, Hillard
5 Franklin, Liberty, Madison, Jefferson, Leon, Gadsden, Taylor, Wakulia Tallahassee, Perry, Quincy, Apalachicola
6 St Johns St Augustine
7 Lake, Sumter Leesburg, Tavares, Bushnell
8 NE Volusia Daytona Beach
9 SW Orange Lake Buena Vista
10 NW Orange Winter Park, Apopka
11 E. Orange Orlando
12 S. Brevard Melbourne, S. Mainland
13 Hernando Brooksville
14 Alachua Gainsville, Alachua
15 N. Brevard Titusville, Cocoa, N Mainland
16 Hamilton, Columbia, Union, Baker, Bradford, Lafayette, Suwannee Lake City, Live Oak, Starke
17 Marion Ocala, Dunnellon
18 Seminole Sanford, Casselberry
19 W. Volusia DeLand
20 SE Volusia New Smyrna Beach
21 NE Volusia Ormond Beach
22 Flagler Palm Coast, Bunnell
23 Brevard (Beaches) Cocoa Beach, Satellite Beach
24 Putnam, S. Clay Palatka, Green Cove Springs
25 Coastal Duval Atlantic, Neptune, Jacksonville Beaches
27 Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy Cross City, Trenton, Bronson
28 Citrus Crystal River, Inverness
30 SE Duval, N. St. Johns Northern Soundside Jax
31 Osceola Kissimmee, St. Cloud
32 SE Flager, NE Volusia Flager Beach
33 Spanish District for entire Area Area-wide

Appendix D


Computers assigned to officers, committee chairs or assembly members at large, when deemed necessary by the Area Chair will be subject to reading and understanding the computer usage policy outlined below.

It is mandatory that prior to the release of equipment, a form affirming receipt of same will be completed. The form will be arranged to facilitate checking out equipment from the Finance Committee, while transferring from past user to current user. The form will have spaces for serial numbers that must be filled out in order to enable the Finance Committee to accurately track the location of specific equipment.

Computers, which are North Florida Area property, are limited in use solely for purposes of the Change of NFAC preferred software NFAC. It will be agreed by trusted servants that preferred or personal software will not be installed on NFAC equipment, thereby compromising possible errors between dissimilar file formats.

All documents created for, or containing official business of the NFAC will be on the current preferred software of the NFAC To this end, documents will be cross compatible. Data on computers shall be considered the intellectual property of NFAC therefore falling under the ultimate stewardship of the Finance Committee.

As the NFAC is compelled to upgrade software, care must be taken to save copies of the software for archival purposes. It is not prudent to rely entirely on "reverse" compatibility: for opening existing files. Hardware, software, and data files require climate control. Hardware is susceptible to electronic damage and data corruption. Software is subject to physical damage and/or data loss.

Historically, the NFAC has intentionally selected the simplest software to complete the job at hand. The purpose being to make service positions where computer use is necessary to be available to as many assembly members as possible. Should the preferred software be changed, updated copies of old software shall be implemented into the NFAC archives for the simplest method of opening backed-up documents or originals off disk.

Appendix E


I, the undersigned do hereby declare that I have read, understood, and will adhere to the NFACAA computer use policy. I understand all the responsibilities within the policy and will perform them bound by this document and the role of Trusted Servant for the NFAC.

Date Out
Date In
Computer Description
Serial Number
Serial Number
Serial Number
Miscellanous Items:
Maintenance Warranty
Policy Number
Expiration Date
Cleared by Finance Committee_____________________________
Approved by: Finance Committee Chair

Appendix F


The following revision table is updated with a date when the section is changed by an Advisory Action. The historical revision table contains the old headings and old dates; the current revision table contains the new layout by the IFF Crew.

Current Revision Table
VOTING ELIGIBILITY AND PRIVILEGES10/11, 10/21, 01/22, 04/23, 04/24
Historical Revision Table
DEFINITION 4/17, 1/18
NFAC COMMITTEE CHAIRS / ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEES 10/98, 1/99, 7/99, 3/04, 1/05, 3/06, 10/08, 4/09,3/13,7/13,1/14,10/14,7/16, 4/17,1/19,4/23
SCHEDULING & NOTICE OF NFAC ASSEMBLIES 7/96, 1/99, 7/99, 10/99, 1/05, 4/09, 3/13, 4/1, 1/19
VOTING PRIVILEGES 7/96,4/17,10/11
VOTING PROCEDURE 7/96, 4/16,1/19
QUALIFICATIONS & DUTIES OF NFAC OFFICERS 7/95, 7/96, 1/99, 7/99, 10/99, 1/03, 1/12, 4/12, 7/12, 4/17, 9/18, 1/19..
NFAC MAP 3/04, 4/11
NFAC OFFICER FUNDING 4/95, 7/95, 1/05, 10/10, 4/11,1/13, 4/17